[RESEND: Fixing the missing video thumbnail at the bottom of blog - me in jester costume.]
For years, the quirky and creative in Santa Barbara have produced a controlled-chaos parade celebrating Solstice Day. No boring floats allowed. Instead, over-the-top ensemble costumes, pumping Congo drums, performance art floats and synchronized Brazilian skin.
I was lucky enough to be involved in 2 ways this year ... first, helping set up an onsite studio for the uber-talented photographer Kevin Steele as he documented the wacky creative costumes of the parade participants. (Buy his book ... it's his 5th year of the project.)
Assistants Jeremy James Roloff and Nico Steele test the highlights while I hold down the shadows Photo: Kevin Steele.
Second, working with the the Parade management, I mounted my 5 trusty embedded GoPros on floats, helmets and poles to film the camaraderie of the Solstice Parade People building their floats before the big day and then their colorful steps through downtown.
My favorite part?
The costume requirement!